Our Endemic Treatment

Our Endemic Treatments for Nervous system Diseases

  1. Diseases of the Nervous system.
  2. Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
  3. Headache
  4. paralysis.
  5. Parkinson’s
  6. chronic backpain
  7. sciatica
  8. facialnumbness
  9. facial trigeminal neuralgia
  10. facial asymmetry
  11. shoulder pain
  12. Heel pain
  13. neck pain
  14. Neck and shoulder pain
  15. Numbness of Hands.
  16. Numbness of foot
  17. calcium deposit
  18. Dementia


  1. psoriasis
  2. Hemorrhoids
  3. Fractures
  4. Heart diseases
  5. Kidney diseases
  6. obesity
  7. abdominal and other internal tumors.
  8. diabetic
  9. calculus or stone
  10. Insanity